Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation

Inclusivity for Hispanic Heritage

Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th to October 15th. The dates are important because of what they represent and because diversity and inclusivity are symbiotic.

Symbiotic relationships are generally defined as two or more different organisms living in a way that benefits them all. Hispanic Heritage month is a moment when we pause to reflect on the history and culture of Hispanic, Latina, Latino, and Latinx friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones. Our lives and histories are mutually tied together, and it is always a good time to honor and celebrate that history.

Typically, heritage months follow a start date of the first of the month and run through the end of the month. Hispanic Heritage Month starts on the 15th of September and ends on the 15th of October. This was done to be inclusive and honor the ancestors that came from Central and South America, The Caribbean, Mexico, and Spain. It is proof that we can be different and still be inclusive. Expanding the traditional definition of heritage months took nothing from the other months…they are symbiotic.

We can live in the same space and benefit from one another without denying the existence and history of the other. We have a shared history that includes moments of war, failure, and destruction. We also have a history of peace, love, and kindness. Our future will be measured by how we respond to that history and actively choose inclusivity and symbiotic relationships that honor the best of who we can be. It is possible in science, it happens in every ecosystem, and we owe it to our children. We can validate our differences, respect each other’s unique histories and live together. We are symbiotic. Inclusivity is simply actively engaging in a symbiotic relationship.

For Hispanic Heritage month please take a moment to be inclusive.

Jason R. Thompson Co-Founder of CAPE Inclusion Jason R. Thompson, is a 25+ year DE&I expert, coach and author of Diversity and Inclusion Matters: Tactics and Tools to Inspire Equity and Game-Changing Performance.

Jason R. Thompson

Co-Founder of CAPE Inclusion

Jason R. Thompson is a 25+ year DE&I expert, coach, and author of Diversity and Inclusion Matters: Tactics and Tools to Inspire Equity and Game-Changing Performance. Jason built much of his career on developing award-winning DE&I programs from scratch. He has worked with companies of all sizes including large healthcare organizations with over 10,000 individuals as well as organizations like the US Olympic Committee and Techstars. Jason’s innovation and experience are the foundation of CAPE Inclusion.

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